Meet the 2021 Ambassador Pack
Have you met Ruffwear’s Ambassadors yet? These 38 dogs and 31 humans are explorers that inspires us. They get outside and live out our shared beliefs that dogs make us whole and shape us through the adventures we share.
We look forward to sharing their stories with you throughout the year!

Trevor & Kahlua | Santa Cruz, California | @trevordehaas

Theresa & Cassie | Portland, Oregon | @theresasilveyra

Vernan, Harley, Koba, Sandy, Bear Bear & Dusty | New Mexico | @vernankee
Chris & Sammy | Haines, Alaska | @misschrisyface
Rafa, Cory & Bondi | Seattle, Washington | @rafamundando, @corywiley, @bondi4paws

Nathan & Turkey | San Diego, CA | @mountainsandthyme

Maria, Riley, Bodie & Willow | Fredericksburg, Virginia | @sup_with_pup

Marcus & Batman | California | @frayedknizzle,

Laura, Star & Colt | Leavenworth, Washington | @mobileroamers

Krissy & PD | Bellingham, Washington | @krissymoehl

Katie, Chip & Quin | Arizona | @trustyourtrail

Katie, Brody & Spaghetti | Utah | @katieboue, @brodyleven

Graham, Shannon & Pebble | Bend, Oregon | @grahamzimmerman, @shanmcd8, @pebble_the_doodle

Dustin, Noami & Amara | On the road | @irietoaurora

Nate, Dani & Ranger | Bend, Oregon | @natewyeth, @daniwyeth, @goldenboyranger

Linsey, Chris & Chimmy | Bend, Oregon | @corbinbrands @linseycorbin

Chad & Axe | Portland, Oregon | @_chadbrown_

Caroline & Lila | Park City, Utah | @carolinegleich, @lilargb

Cali & Mila | Colorado | @caliwolf

Bronwyn & Arnie | Canmore, Alberta | @drbronfullagar

Bree, Noodle & Shamus | Washington | @noodsterscootster

Becca & Tala | Jackson Hole, Wyoming |

Alicia, Kona, Cali & Ruger | British Columbia, Canada | @west_coast_heeler_pack

Alexis, Shelby & Cookie | Redmond, Oregon | @lassosafroworld

Tracy & Boggs | Portland, Oregon |, @helloitsboggs